It is just a matter of time before you experience a broken Porsche Boxster Convertible Top Push Rod. You will hear a loud snap (or bang) as you are lowering or raising the roof. It will usually mean that you have snapped one of the Plastic End Caps off of the Convertible Top Push Rod.
[amazon box=”B07ZG2VV2F,B08HZDWDM7,B00AHITTB6″]

Common Issue
This is a very prevalent issue in the 986, 987.1, and 987.2 Boxster convertible tops. Pretty much all Porsche convertibles from 1997 through 2012 will experience a Broken Porsche Boxster Convertible Top Push Rod. The plastic ball joints easily fail. When the push rod ball joints break, the motor and lid will still move, but the convertible top won’t move on its own.

Do Not Lower (or Raise) Your Convertible Top While in Motion
I have done this 3-4 times and have learned my lesson never to engage the convertible top when the car is in motion. Since adopting this method of convertible top deployment, I have not snapped a plastic end cap. I even have 2 plastic end caps on the spare. These caps are inexpensive and easy to have around.

If this happens to you, spend some time on YouTube or in the forums on how to effect this repair. You will need to close the roof the best you can manually by hand. Order the replacement parts specific to the year of your Boxster (or 911). EBay was the original source, but I have now seen them on Amazon [amazon link=”B07ZG2VV2F”].
Keep it Plastic
It is strongly recommended against buying the metal replacement end caps, stick with the original plastic caps. You would prefer to snap the plastic end cap rather than bend multiple rods and potentially damage your motor and lift transmission mechanisms.

When preparing to replace the plastic end caps, mark the depth of your existing cap on the pushrod screw threads with electrical tape. This will allow you to screw the replacement cap on at the same depth. Simply twist on the new cap to the same depth and then push the cap over the ball joint and it should be a perfect repair.
NOTE: Before you make any adjustments, make sure that you mark all positions because adjustments effect on other seemingly unrelated parts of the clamshell and convertible top assembly and alignment.
Small hands are a definite asset in doing this repair.
How To Increase the Lifespan of the Porsche Boxster Convertible Top
I strongly recommend that if you own a 986/987.1/987.2 when Opening and Closing your Convertible top, you:
- Never open or close your convertible top when your car is in motion.
- Only open or close your convertible top on level ground.
- Use care in opening and closing the convertible top in cold temperatures.
- Never open or close your roof in high winds
- Closing Convertible Top in a Pre-2003 Porsche Boxster with Vinyl rear windows must learn the Boxster-Chop!
These tips will save your convertible motor, your channel pull cables, and especially your push rod caps. Thus, following these rules will extend the lifespan of your convertible top.
I strongly recommend that you review Porsche Boxster Convertible Top Problems. The article lists 11 common Porsche Boxster Convertible Top Problems. Every Porsche Boxster Owner needs to be aware of these issues and the steps to avoid them.

From YouTube
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